Category Archives: teachers

Teaching youngsters – learning through playing games

Here are some games that can be used in foreign language classes with youngsters.


The above sentence means “I see something that you don’t see” and this game it’s very easy to play. One player chooses one thing from the environment in the classroom (or outside ) and other players should guess which item the first player has imagined. Players ask questions in a row and eventually try to guess when they feel ready. There is also a board game called Rate-Garten which children play very gladly.


Younger children love painting and if you decide to give them colouring pictures, you can use this web page where you upload a picture and as result you get a colouring picture (contours).


Try out easy memory games. I have bought some Ravensburger (producer’s name) games which are really good. We are talking here about matching pairs of pictures and the task is to remember where each of them was placed on the table. This way you can repeat and practice words.


This is an interesting way to teach kids to count until 10. Of course, you should play it outside.



This is a well known game. The point is to whisper the word to the kid beside you so that other cannot here it. The word is then passed on to the next player etc. it is very fun to hear how the word is going to sound in the end. You can even play some music in the background.



Give learners a blank sheet of paper with a 5×5 table on it – that will be their bingo cards. They should write words on them which will end up with various word combinations – you do not even have to give them tables filled with words – they can do that themselves. Of course, you tell them which (25) words they should use. If you wish an easier version you can leave blank one field in the middle of the 5×5 table. Prepare the words before the class and write them on little pieces of paper which will then be drawn until someone yells ‘bingo’! A player has a Bingo if he/she has a combination of 5 words in a row – vertically, horizontally or diagonally. There can be more than one winner if you continue the game after the first ‘bingo’. You can use Bingo Baker – a bingo cards generator which will produce cards with words on them if you prefer it that way. During the game you can ask learners which words they need until their first/second/third bingo.



You can play lotto with your kiddies too – the principle is almost the same as for the Bingo (see above).  The students can write the words themselves (you don’t have to do that instead of them, but you can if you wish), you need cards with 4×7 fields and tell the students which 29 words they should use. They write their words on cards in the way they like and then tick 9 words of their choice. When they are done, you draw 9 words out of the 29 words (which you have prepared and written on little pieces of paper before the class)-  the winner is the learner that has the best score.


Each kid gets one word and he/she needs to explain it with the pantomime. You could put all words (on little pieces of paper) in a little bag and kiddies should draw.


… sind der Kinder dreie, sitzen unterm Holderbusch und sie machen husch, husch, husch. Ringel, Ringel, Rosen, gelbe Aprikosen, Veilchen blau Vergissmeinnicht, alle Kinder setzen sich.” The kids are holding hands, singing this song and going around. Until the end of the song they need to sit to the ground as quickly as possible. Who sits as the last loose the game and does not participate on the next round. You can use this game to cheer them up if you notice that they are not so good concentrated as before in the class.


Counting song

Eins, zwei, Polizei
Drei, vier, Offizier,
Fünf, sechs, alte Hex’
Sieben, acht, gute Nacht,
Neun, Zehn, du must geh’n!

You can use this (counting out) song if you need to decide in class who starts first at something (some other game).

Looking for other ideas? Check out Deutsch fuer Kinder (Goethe Institut) and KinderliederTV  – YouTube Channel with songs for children.




Stories of a white board



Welche Berufe sind typisch männlich und welche typisch weiblich?


Think of some words that start with the first letter of your name.




These are the sentences that can be built with the words from the above picture:

Mein Mann arbeitet unten am Computer / Unten arbeitet mein Mann am Computer / Am Computer arbeitet mein Mann unten.

Wie finden Sie die Wohnung?

Das Zimmer ist ein bisschen zu klein / Ein bisschen zu klein ist das Zimmer.


Here is one story that can be told with the words from the above picture. Can you think of some other similar stories?

“Gestern hat meine Mitbewohnerin etwas vorgeschlagen. Sie hat gesagt, dass wir die Wände streichen sollen. Aber zuerst müssen wir mit dem Maßband die Wände ausmessen. Und dann ist ein Gast angekommen und hat uns überrascht. Die Situaton ist spannend geworden. Ihm hat die Idee überhaupt nicht gefallen. Er hat vorgeschlagen, dass wir die Glühbirne wechseln. Er wollte eine rote Glühbirne. Meine Mitbewohnerin hat das kitschig gefunden. Der Gast war eigentlich unser Vermieter. Schließlich haben wir versucht, einen Kompromiss zu finden. Wir haben rote Farbe für die Wände benutzt. Der Vermieter war damit zufrieden.”

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Recommended textbooks

After some time of teaching German language you will certainly familiarise yourself with different German language textbooks.  You will like some of them more and some others less. At some point you will also notice that new textbooks are being regularly published and replace older ones no matter if they were good or bad. For example, I liked “Stufen” (Klett) very much and worked with it some 15 years ago. No one is using that textbook any more. “Stufen 1” contained a very good phonetics part which was very useful to students. I am still using it for my classes.

For children (6-9 years old) I would recommend “Spielerisch Deutsch Lernen” (Hueber). It is in my opinion optimal – not too easy and not too demanding. It will leave you much time for playing different games or learning songs.

“Ideen” (Hueber) seems to be a right choice for younger teenagers (10-15 years old) because they are a special group of learners and teenagers learn differently. This textbook considers all specific traits of these learners.

“” (Hueber) is very suitable for older teenagers (15-19 years old) because it contains interesting topics.

For adults (regular and intensive courses) I am using “Delfin” (Hueber). It is well organised and leads the learner from A1 to B1 level.

Those were my recommended German language textbooks for the beginner courses. Since textbooks are only a basis for a good course, I also recommend that you use describing pictures  in your classes. I have also some recommendations for your classes with older teenagers in a state school. You could also create your own exercises and worksheets, Also, working on your students’ vocabulary is a very important task.


Lorelay and the Rhine

The below video depicts how beautiful the Rhine valley is. It became part of the UNESCO world heritage. Show it to your students, they’re going to love it.

Heinrich Heine’s “Loreley” is always a good solution if you wish to awaken the learners’ interest for German language. Its text is pretty simple and there is also a catchy melody. I have copied the text below, if you would like to hear the melody, please click here. Your students could even learn to sing Loreley.

Heinrich Heine  (1797-1856)


Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten,
Daß ich so traurig bin,
Ein Märchen aus uralten Zeiten,
Das kommt mir nicht aus dem Sinn.
Die Luft ist kühl und es dunkelt,
Und ruhig fließt der Rhein;
Der Gipfel des Berges funkelt,
Im Abendsonnenschein.

Die schönste Jungfrau sitzet
Dort oben wunderbar,
Ihr gold’nes Geschmeide blitzet,
Sie kämmt ihr goldenes Haar,
Sie kämmt es mit goldenem Kamme,
Und singt ein Lied dabei;
Das hat eine wundersame,
Gewalt’ge Melodei.

Den Schiffer im kleinen Schiffe,
Ergreift es mit wildem Weh;
Er schaut nicht die Felsenriffe,
Er schaut nur hinauf in die Höh’.
Ich glaube, die Wellen verschlingen
Am Ende Schiffer und Kahn,
Und das hat mit ihrem Singen,
Die Loreley getan.

Since the legend around Loreley is very interesting, you can even do more of it. Click here for more information in German language.

Vocabulary trainer for teachers

After they explain word meanings, good teachers ask themselves ‘Now, how can I actually teach my students these new words’?

Well, that is exactly the question that I was asking myself over and over again. It took some time before I ‘trained’ myself on how this can be done and how it works. Here are my foundings that I would like to share:

  1. NANU

This game is very popular among kids. They just love it! It works like a memory game, it’s just more interesting. There are 5 little plastic lids in different colours (red, blue, green, yellow, orange) and a number of little round cards with pictures on them. The pictures are in the same size as the lids so that you can cover them with lids. The point is to remember which picture is under which lid. Each player throws a dice (with 5 colours and a joker on its sides) in turn and should guess what is under the lid in the colour he/she got (if they can remember). There are several cards in the game itself, but you can draw yourself as many pictures as you ever might need. You can order your ‘Nanu?’ here.

2. BUCHSTABENSALAT (letter salad) – pick the words that you would like for your students to learn and change the letter order completely and ask them to guess what is the word in question. For example: you take the Verb ‘weinen’ and combine its letter into something like this: ‘ewinne’. This way the students learn to write the word in question and familiarize themselves with the completely new word.

3. ADD AN EXTRA LETTER into a word (the shorter the word the better) that you want to familiarize your students with and insert one extra letter into that word. Ask the students to recognize which word you are looking for. Just make sure that you give them a variation that won’t be too easy for them to recognize. For example: you are looking for the word ‘toll’ and you give them ‘troll’.

4. WORD GRID – gather words that you would like to go through and put them in a grid with various different letters. Ask of students to find words in the grid (you can even specify which words exactly you expect them to find). In order to generate this exercise I recommend that you use ‘word grid’ option in the LearningApps application. Click here to find out how you can create your own word grid and other exercises.

5. LÜCKENTEXT (close test) – This is also a very good way to give your students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with completely new words. The most important advice here is “keep it simple”, in other words, make sure that you put the new words in a known context. You could even use the same (or slightly different) sentences as in the new text. There are generators that can help you create this sort of exercises. Click here to find out how you can create your own exercises.

6. VOKABELHEFT / QUIZLET – have the students write the word down in their vocabulary book or they can use Quizlet with the same purpose. This is a free application that can replace the old fashion vocabulary book. Its best advantage is that students can download it and use it on their smart phones which means that they could learn and repeat words and phrases anywhere. I find it very useful that students can create their own study sets and play with the flash cards they have created themselves and hear the word pronunciation at the same time. Quizlet can be downloaded here. Check out other useful applications.

When you are repeating words with your students, you can use the following:

    1. BRAINSTORMING – can be used before you start with a new text or lesson. Sometimes we forgot this good old fashioned way of knowledge activating. It could go like this: you write a word on the whiteboard and the learners say everything that comes to their mind:  words, phrases, sentences. Check out how you can create a beautiful word clouds out of words that you collect during the brain storming.
    2. PICTURES – You can use pictures and ask the students to describe them. Click here to check out pictures that I show to my students.
    3. SEMANTISIERUNG – I don’t know what is the English word for this, but the point is clear – when explaining new/unknown words, do it with already known words in that foreign language.
    4. GALGENMÄNNCHEN (hang man) – this is a good start of the class. Something to warm the students up. You can draw the game on the white board in the class room or you can create your own online application. The advantage of the application is that you can use as many words as you like and as often as you wish. Click here in order to create learningapps (number 6).
    1. STILLE POST (telephone game) – this is a well known game and it’s fun! One learner whispers a word to the learner next to them and so on. The last person in the row says the word out loud. It is interesting to see how the word will sound in the end.
    2. MULTIPLE CHOICES QUIZ – people aged 7 – 77 love this type of exercise. Click here in order to find use a multiple-choice quiz generators (numbers 2 or 6).
    3. TRANSLATE A SENTENCE INTO GERMAN – this is quite self explanatory. Of course, the students need to translate a sentence from their mother tongue into German.
    4. VOKABELBINGO – give the students a blank sheet of paper with a 5×5 table on it – that will be their bingo cards. They should write the words on them which will end up with various word combinations – you do not even have to give them tables filled with words – they can do that themselves. Of course, you tell them which (24) words they should use. If you wish an easier version you can leave blank one field in the middle of the 5×5 table. Prepare the words before the class and write them on little pieces of paper which will then be drawn until someone yells ‘bingo’! (there can be more than one winner if you continue the game after the first ‘bingo’). You can use a bingo cards generator (which will produce cards with words on them) if you prefer it that way – click here in order to find more explanation (number 5). During the game you can ask learners which words they need until their first/second/third bingo.
    5. VOKABELLOTTO – you can play lotto with your students too – the principle is almost the same as with Bingo (see above).  The students can write the words themselves (you don’t have to do that instead of them, but you can if you wish), you need cards with 4×7 fields and tell the students which 29 words they should use. They write their words on cards in the way they like and then tick 9 words of their choice. When they are done, you draw 9 words out of the 29 words (which you have prepared and written on little pieces of paper before the class)-  the winner is the student that has the best score.
    6. PANTOMIME – this is quite self-explanatory. You just need to choose words that can be explained with pantomime. Each student draws the word that they should show in front of others. This can be tricky if your students are shy.
    7. FIND THE WORD THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO THE ROW (Was passt nicht?) – this is the exercise that is well known. One of the given words does not belong to the row. For example: Tisch – Stuhl – Blume – Schrank (Blume doesn’t belong to this row).
    8. ANTONYMES – this is self-explanatory: find at least 5 antonyms, for example: gut-schlecht; lang-kurz; leise-laut, and and give your students only one part of the pair (gut, lang, leise), their task is to complete the pair.
    9. FOTO RALLEY – everybody has a phone with good camera, thus, you don’t need any special equipment. You can change the difficulty level of these tasks: you can either have your students make photos of things that they use on a daily basis or you can shoot a photo story with them.
    10. WRITE A SIMPLE POEM – there are some simple rules for this exercise. Students need to write a poem which should contain 5 rows. The 1. row should contain only 1 word; the 2. row should contain 2 words and show “what the word in the 1. row means”; 3. row should contain 3 words which should describe “what the first word does or is”; 4. row should contain 4 words and should start with “ich”; the last row should again contain only 1 word as an end. This could look like and sound this (an example from one of my classes):  Warten. Ist lang.  Wann kommst du? Ich komme sehr bald. Wunderbar.
    11. SEEMANSGARN SPINNEN – this is a great exercise if you wish to have your students speak freely in the foreign language. They just love it and believe me they will be grateful. Prepare words (at least 10) before the class, write them on the white board when you come in the class, think of one sentence with which the story is going to start and have the students think of a new sentence using one of the given words. They should speak in row and continue the story until all words from the white board are used.
    12. DOOBLE CARDS – you can make cards out of words that your students are learning and have your students play those cards. For more information click here (number 4).
    13. SCHNITZELJAGD – work in progress.
    14. CREATE AS MANY AS POSSIBLE WORDS OF GIVEN WORDS – for example “Deutschland” and “Demokratie”. For more information click here.
  1. STATIONEN-LERNEN – work in progress.
  2. MORE COMPLEX TASKS – Interviews: write questions on papers and all students interwiev each other and mark answers down. At the end you “collect” all answers and tell a “story” about  everybody.
  3. PING-PONG STORY – your students can use Skype, Viber or any other texting tool that could help them write sentences in pairs. They could for example describe a photo that stands in front of them – working in pairs and writing one sentence each in turn or describe one day in the life of their iPhone.

German castles

Students want to find out more about the land and people. Since German castles can be an attractive travel destination, your students are going to love this topic. Of course, you should work with pictures and videos if possible. You can explain to them that Germany was divided in numerous principalities for a long time which is why there are so many castles in Germany.

german castles – a text in English.

You can also work with videos like this one:

A map which shows that Germany was divided in about 300 principalities at some point (14th/15th century) which is why there are so many castles in Germany:


History of Audi

The story about Audi starts with August Horch who created Audi as a brand. He was one of the most important pioneers in the field of auto motive industry. His sports cars and limousines were the most luxurious vehicles of his time.


The oldest Horch-car in the Horch museum in Zwickau was built in 1911. About 10 years earlier people were still driving coaches.
This can be seen by the steering wheel which is placed on the right side of the Horch car (like in coaches).


The oldest Audi in this museum is the so called Type B which was built in 1911. That is the car with which August Horch made the famous Alps-tour. It was the most difficult mountain route back then and can be compared with today’s most famous fast car rallys. August won the Alps-race with the type B three times in a row and managed to established the Audi reputation in the motor sports only 2 years after he founded his firm.


1909 Horch left the Horch firma and founded his own firm. He needed to think of a good name for his new firm. Luckily the son of his good friend and financier was a good student and he suggested Audi because the last name Horch is the imperative of horchen which means hören, lauschen and in the Latin it means the same as Audi.

At the begin on the 20. century, producing cars meant hard hand work and using heavy machines. Only a couple of hundreds of vehicles were built in a year. August Horch was an inventor and he wanted only the best quality and focused on innovation. Since 1927 his limousines ran on 8 and 12 cylinder motors and he hired artists who were responsible for the looks of his cars. Those were the most luxurious cars of that time. Their price was between 150 000 and 200 000 euro. In the 30’s Horch moved the steering wheel from the right to the left side started using oil-filters.


The economic crisis in the late 30’s made 4 car producers build an Auto union. Otherwise they wouldn’t survive on the market. It turned out that it was a very good move. However, its end came with the end of the World War 2.


German for doctors

Author: Jadranka Bokan

OK, so you are teaching doctors German.  You might find some specialized text books, however, I would recommend that you teach doctors ‘regular’ German, in the same way that you would do with any other student, and just spice up with specialized words and sentences. Even if you do use a specialized text book it can happen that you need more vocabulary and more sentences related to the diagnosing. I have collected some useful words and sentences that I would like to share with you.

For more resources, scroll to the bottom of this page!

Doctor’s questions:

Wie geht es Ihnen? / Was haben Sie für Beschwerden? / Seit wann haben Sie Beschwerden? / Tut das weh? / Wo tut das weh? / Wo genau haben Sie Schmerzen? / Strahlen die Schmerzen aus? / Ist der Schmerz ziehend, stechend,  drückend oder brennend?

Doctor giving instructions:

Stellen Sie sich bitte gerade hin. / Ich untersuche Sie jetzt. / Heben Sie bitte den Arm über den Kopf. / Legen Sie sich auf den Rücken. / Heben Sie bitte das Bein an. / Atmen Sie tief ein- und aus. / Beugen Sie das Bein. / Legen Sie sich auf die Seite. /

Do you want to learn German with me?

What the patient might answer:

Ich habe seit 2 Wochen Rückenschmerzen. / Hier an dieser Stelle tut es weh. / Nein, das tut nicht weh. / Ich habe Kopf- , Bauch-, Halsschmerzen (Schmerzen im Fuß / hier an der Ferse / in der Brust). / Der Arm tut mir weh.

Here are any possible symptoms:

der Schwindel / die Übelkeit / die Unruhe / die Atemnot / der Krampf, ä-e / die Blähung / gelegte Zunge / Blasenschwäche / die Verbrennung / die Vergiftung / der Husten (trocken/produktiv) / die Erkältung / der Schupfen (die Nase läuft, juckt und brennt,  oft plus Niesen) / die Heiserkeit / Brennen beim Wasserlassen / verstopfte Nase / das Erbrechen / ab- oder zunehmen / der Durchfall / das Doppelsehen / die Erschöpfung / das Frieren / die Schwellung (am Knie / an den Fingern / am Knöchel) / geschwollen / die Entzündung / das Sodbrennen / der Juckreiz / der (ständige, starke, unbeherrbare) Harndrang / der Urin / der Hautausschlag / das Herzrasen / laufende Nase / die Verstopfung / die Schluckstörung / die Lungenentzündung

Upper body – parts:

der Kopf / das Auge, n / das Ohr, en / der Mund / die Nase / die Wange, n / die Stirn / das Kinn / der Hals / der Nacken / die Brust / der Rücken / die Achsel, n / der Arm, e / der Ellbogen / die Hand, ä-e / der Finger, – / der Nagel, ä / der Bauch / der bauchschnabel / die Schulter, n

Do you want to learn German with me? Click here!

Lower body – parts:

das Bein, e / die Hüfte, n / der Genitalbereich / der Fuß, ü-e / der Zeh, en / der Po (oder das Sitzfleisch) / die Ferse / der Oberschenkel / der Unter / das Knie / die Wade, n / die Leiste, n


der Magen / die Schilddrüse / der Kehlkopf / die Luftröhre / das Mittelohr / der Luftröhrenast, ä-e (die Bronchie, n) / die Lunge / der Lungenflügel, – / der Lungenlappen / das Herz, -ens, -en / das Zwischenfell / die Leber / die Gallenblase / die Milz / der Dünndarm / der Dickdarm / der Blinddarm / der Zwölffingerdarm / der (harte/weiche) Gaumen / das Zäpfchen / die (Gaumen)mandel / die Rachenhöhle (der Rachen) / die Zunge / der Oberkiefer / der Unterkiefer / die Oberlippe / die Unterlippe / die Niere / die Harnblase / der Harnleiter / die Speiseröhre / die Aorta / die Vene, n / die Muskel, n / der Lymphknoten / der Nerv / das Blutgefäß / die Arterie, n / der Speichel / die bauchspeicheldrüse / das Gegirn / die Sehne, n / das Gelenk, e

You can find here how a visit at the doctor’s can look like:

Additional words and phrases can be found in this short English-German medicine dictionary.

A whole free online course with a glossary can be found here: Deutsch für ausländische Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerinnen/-pfleger

A free picture vocabulary can be found here: Mensch – human being or here: Krankenhaus


Create your own work sheets

Foreign language teachers confront every day with the need of creating their own, customized, exercises for their students. You can choose, whether you are going to do that in Word or Power Point and spend tons of hours or you will just use appropriate tools online. Here are some web pages and other useful tools that you could use on a daily basis.

1) QUIZLET – vocabulary book with pronunciation and learning games.

Quizlet is a free application which replaces the old fashion vocabulary book. Its best advantage is that students can download it and use it on their smart phones which means that they could learn and repeat words and phrases anywhere – while waiting at the doctor’s, at the post office etc. I find it very useful that students can create their own study sets and play with the flash cards they have created themselves and hear the word pronunciation at the same time.

2) LEARNING SNACKS – create interactive learning flows online

The Learning snacks app enables you to write a short text and then ask questions about it (multiple choice questions, pictures etc.). It is optimised for smartphones. It doesn’t contain many complicated features, however it is really handy. Take a look at this video in order to find out how to create a “learning snack” (the video is in German). You can use other people’s “snacks”.

3) TUTORY – (very serious) work sheets generator

Would you like to create modern looking work sheets with headers, footers, inserted pictures and several sections and impress your students? Then is the right solution for you. The website is in German and it will most probably remain that way.

4) TESTMOZ – online tests generator

If you wish to create online multiple choice tests, you can go for Testmoz. It’s free and does not require you (or your students) to register. You can create the following question types: true/false, multiple choice, multiple response, and fill in the blank questions. At the end of each game detailed reports are available: you can see the scores, averages and actual responses to questions for each student who took the test. You can even export the data to CSV. However, only you can see the scores and not the students. This test is ideal for final exams.

5) KAHOOT – multiplayer online quiz games  with a timer generator

Kahoot application is a free application which enables you to create quiz games for multiple players. The scores (and the ranking) can be seen after the players answer each question. This is ideal for competitions in classes. You can add images, videos and diagrams to your questions. Players answer from their own devices (smart phone, tablet and any other device with an internet connection), while games are displayed on a shared screen. It is played in real time. Player accounts are not required, however the teacher needs to register. Once you have created a quiz, your students get a Game PIN and enter it on the Kahoot! playing page.

6) QUIZIZZ – multiplayer online quiz games with avatars, music, memes and a timer generator

Application Quizizz enables you to create multiplayer quiz games which can be played both “live” (in the classroom) and at home (home work). Students can play together but each (team) on their own device. It works on computers, tablets, smart phones. Students do not need to create an account in order to play. They can join directly with a game code. It’sinteresting because you may use music, avatars, memes, timer and mix questions/answers so that they do not appear same on every student’s screen. Using of this application is free.



Possessive Pronoun dice has been provided by Hueber and all you need to do is to save it on your computer and have it printed out. Your students can then repeat possessive pronoun with different nouns that you will give them. They throw the dice and try to pair the correct form with the noun gender. There are detailed instructions on the PDF file.



Prepositions dice has been also provided by Hueber and you just need to print it out. Your students will have to generate sentences with the given prepositions. There are detailed instructions on the PDF file.

9) MAZE generator

By using maze generator you will be able to create wonderful mazes and insert words into them. After you create your maze with the maze generator, check the solution by clicking on the Show Solution button, then download the maze (for example as a PDF file) and save it on your computer. Open the file on your computer, then make a screen shot of it and save it as a picture. In order to insert text into the maze, open the image in Power Point and use Insert > Text box and you will be able to insert text into the maze. This will be fun, fun, fun for your students especially if they are younger.

10) DOBBLE CARDS generator

If you wish for your students to play (good old traditional) cards and learn or – better said – repeat the words that they learnt with you, I highly recommend Dobble cards. You can create your own, customized cards by using a special Dobble generator.  Just read the instructions on the site, the process is quite intuitive, you should not worry. The only thing that can be tricky is that you will need to find appropriate images to use for your cards. In order for you to do that, you can use some free sources like Clipsart free.  If needed, search for appropriate images on Google. Instructions on how to play this fabulous card game can be found here.



If you wish to  create your own cloze tests (Lückentexte) or ask your students to match text parts with titles or that they put text parts in popper order, then you can navigate to the following site: Uebungsblatter. I myself prefer this generator for cloze tests because you can choose what word exactly is going to be “erased” by the generator. This is a service provided by Goethe Institut and it is great. Something similar to the Goethe’s service is provided by Deutsche Welle (DW) too. If you go to their Didaktisierungstool you will be able to create cloze tests (C-Test) or divide a text into several parts which then the students need to put back together (Schütteltext). You can even create tables (by using Verbtrainer) where your students should insert verb forms (tenses). Your students can also use this service if they wish to see tables with tenses for a particular verb (Konjugator).

12) ONLINE EXERCISES generator

More variety is available at the learningapps site.  You can create a bunch of different applications and have your students use them online: cloze tests, pair games, word grids, multiple-choice quizes,  freetext inputs, matching pairs with Images, crosswords etc. is definitely worth exploring.

13) CROSSWORDS generator

You can easily create crosswords which then can be saved as PDF files and copied, you are free to use either kreuzwordraetsel generator provided by or Crossword Labs . This is great!

14) BINGO CARDS generator

Anyone who has ever dealt with little kids knows how they love Bingo. It is a great excercize for vocabulary repeating. Well, you do not have to create it in Word any more. There is Bingo Baker where you can create your own Bingo cards easily yourself and then print them out. For those who do not know how to play Bingo instructions can be found here.



 If you wish to delete some words or text parts from an image and then print that out and use as an exercise for your students, you can use a free online application called LUNAPIC that does not even need to be downloaded and installed on your device. There is an Eraser tool inside it which is pretty intuitive to use. Try it out, it is very useful if you wish that your students write again the missing words on the printed-out picture.


 There is a web page where you upload your picture and as result you get contours. Colouring pictures are youngsters’ favourite. Click here.

17) FLESH CARDS generator

I was totally amazed when I discovered a web page where (among many other things) you can create your own flash cards.  It goes very fast and is pretty intuitive. Click here and give it a try!

18) PIXTON – create comics

Wow! There is a generator that enables you to create comics with blanks for your classes. Can it be better? I don’t think so. 🙂

19) Create online exercises

There’s a free generator for online exercises at Learn German for free. Give it a try! It’s very easy to use.

C level

Prompt your students to describe following pictures. For more detailed explanation look under Galleries in the Main Menu.